Bucket-Mounted Light Great For Night Work
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Alberta winters are long and the days are short so cattleman Stan Harder often finds himself moving round bales before or after daylight. He uses a Deere tractor equipped with a front-end loader and bale spike to do the job, but says the lights on the tractor are set too far back for him to see what he's doing. "All the lights do is illuminate the loader arms or back of the bucket."
Harder solved the problem by mounting one of the tractor lights on top of a 2-ft. length of angle iron that he bolted to one corner of the bucket. He says the repositioned light does the trick. "It turns with the bucket so it follows the bale spike when the bucket is moved up or down, which makes it easy to get the spike correctly positioned in the bale."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stan Harder, Box 86, St. Brides, Alberta, Canada T0A 2Y0 (ph 403 645-1881).

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Bucket-Mounted Light Great For Night Work FARM SHOP Miscellaneous 21-3-8 Alberta winters are long and the days are short so cattleman Stan Harder often finds himself moving round bales before or after daylight. He uses a Deere tractor equipped with a front-end loader and bale spike to do the job, but says the lights on the tractor are set too far back for him to see what he's doing. "All the lights do is illuminate the loader arms or back of the bucket."
Harder solved the problem by mounting one of the tractor lights on top of a 2-ft. length of angle iron that he bolted to one corner of the bucket. He says the repositioned light does the trick. "It turns with the bucket so it follows the bale spike when the bucket is moved up or down, which makes it easy to get the spike correctly positioned in the bale."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Stan Harder, Box 86, St. Brides, Alberta, Canada T0A 2Y0 (ph 403 645-1881).
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