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60 Ft Self-Leveling Hydraulic S-Fold Spray Boom
We introduced our prototype Demco "Posi-Flow" 650 gravity wagon last fall. Response was so overwhelming we unveiled our smaller 550 and larger 750 "Posi-Flow" prototypes, along with the 650 production model, this fall. All three wagons feature the same side and end pitch as our smaller boxes, which farmers have dubbed the "best unloading boxes on the market." The 550, 650 and 750 sell for $6,650, $8,120 and $9,220, respectively, less wheels.
We also just introduced our 60-ft. self-leveling hydraulic X-fold spray boom. It has fewer wear points than other similar size booms on the market for greater reliability and longer life. Likewise, there's a flotation mechanism between the boom and sprayer so it rides better than any other X-fold boom on the market. As for transport and storage, wings fold independently and when completely folded, the boom is only 13 ft., 3 in. wide and 11 ft., 11 in. high. It's available in 3-pt. tractor mount, trailer mount, or rear mounted tank models. The boom sells for about $5,100. (Tom Sheffield, Dethmers Mfg. Company, 4010 320th Street, Boyden, Iowa 51234; ph 800 543-3626 or 712 725-2311 or 2302; fax 2380).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6