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Powered Spreader Cuts Grain Drying Costs
"It'll reduce grain drying costs up to 30% and can boost crop quality to a higher grade," says Carl Dixon, manufacturer of the Daay powered grain spreader.
A small 1/8 hp electric motor (110V) turns a built-in chute at 6 rpm's to uniformly spread grain onto 10 grain-distributing "fingers" arranged in a circle. These 10 "fingers" are equipped with dividers and pile the grain into 20 different piles through-out the bin.
"Because it's powered, our spreader thoroughly mixes the grain, fines and other foreign material together throughout the entire bin, resulting in less packing, faster drying and possibly a higher quality grade," explains Dixon. "Grain stirrers only stir the grain. They can't mix it. And, unlike motor-type spreaders which sling grain with great force, ours provides much gentler handling to minimize cracking and packing. Because grain isn't tightly packed, drying air flows through it easier and more uniformly to reduce drying costs up to 30% or more."
The spreader weighs 150 lbs. Cone diameter is 31 in. Distance from the top of the input hopper to the outer tip of the "fingers" is right at 4 ft.
Cost ranges from $660 (for bins 21 to 24 ft. in dia.) to $875 (for bins up to 48 ft. in dia.).
For more information, contact Daay Mfg., Rt. 2, Box 24A, Weiner, Ark. 72479 (ph 501 684-2695, or 579-2261).

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1989 - Volume #13, Issue #4