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New Pickup Brackets Tilt Tailgate, Save Gas
If you do a lot of highway driving with your pickup, you'll like these pickup brackets that let you store your tailgate in a horizontal position at the rear of the box.
"You can save as much as 2 mpg by removing the tailgate to reduce wind resistance but then it's never around when you need it. These brackets use. the tailgate's own latch to hold it in place," says farmer-inventor Verl Cutler, Claremont, S. Dak.
To install the brackets you cut a 112-in. strip off the top inside of the pickup box. Two small bolts hold each bracket in place. To place the tailgate in the brackets, you first remove it from the pickup and then set it down vertically into the brackets and let the tailgate swing forward and down. It'll latch into place the same way it does when latched into its original position on the pickup box.
The brackets fit most pickups from 1985 back to about 1970 or so when the center unlatch handle was first introduced. Cutler has another set of brackets that adapt to newer pickups without cutting out any of the top inside edge.
A price has not yet been firmed up on the tailgate carrier. Cutler would like to fmd a manufacturer or distributor to handle the product.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Verl Cutler, Box 140, Claremont, S. Dak. 57432 (ph 605 294-5858).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #2