1987 - Volume #11, Issue #1, Page #33
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Curved Filler Bars Boost Combine Capacity
Replacement of flat-plate filler bars with curved bars helps stop cob breakage and boosts capacity of Deere combines as much as 25% in corn, says George Kuchar, Carlinville, Ill., who makes a living reworking cornbines for increased efficiency.Kuchar, who worked as a custom harvester for 11 years, now works full time reconditioning and modifying combines. One of the best improvements he says he's found for Deere combines in corn is the replacement of filler plates with curved plates.
He says the curved plates require considerably less horsepower because they roll cobs through the cylinder rather than grind them through. "You'll get much less cob breakage. When you stop cob breakage, you stop grain loss," says Kuchar, noting that the curved plates also cut down on rasp bar wear. "You can increase capacity up to 25% and cut down on cob breakage by 10% or more."
Kuchar simply unbolts all the filler plates on any Deere combine built after 1970 and replaces them with his 1/8-in. thick steel curved plates. He also replaces the rubber seal around the cylinder with a steel seal.
"You'll use less fuel, increase production, and there'll be a lot less dust because the modified cylinder tends to suck dust in rather than blow, it out like it does with standard filler bars," says Kuchar, who notes that the modification is not needed in small grains.
In addition to replacing filler plates, Kuchar recommends a number of other combine modifications including changing the auger flighting to angle it toward the direction of travel and removing every other slat on some combine feeder chains to improve feeding. He also reworks rasp bars and concaves, and sells a "load control" combine governor that matches ground speed to the volume of material entering the combine.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Followup, George Kuchar, Kuchar Sales, P.O. Box 595, Carlinville, Ill. 62626 (ph 217 854-9838).

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