Variable Speed Appliators For Granular Additives
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"Our specialty is precision application of additives in granular form," says Russell Springmeier, inventor-manufacturer of variable speed auger-hopper units that uniformly dole out "dry" innoculants, premixes, preservatives, antibiotics and other additives in rates ranging from several ounces to 300 or more pounds per ton of feed or forage.
Springmeier's new Augra Meters are tailor-made for single or multiple uses in blending mineral, premix or protein into feeding systems. They readily adapt to roller mills, stationary electric mills, or to portable grinder-mixers. Springmeier offers special brackets for mounting individual units on silage blowers and hay balers to dispense dry innoculants or preservatives.
Individual dispensers, available with 115V or 12V motors, feature fiberglass hoppers, stainless steel augers and plastic auger tubes. They're designed for variable speed control and have no chains or belts to maintain, and no gates or orifices to plug, Springmeier points out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Augra Meter Systems, Mirus Inc., New Hampton, Iowa 50659 (ph 515 394-2352).

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Variable speed appliators for granular additives FERTILIZER APPLICATION Fertilizer Application (58f) 14-5-26 "Our specialty is precision application of additives in granular form," says Russell Springmeier, inventor-manufacturer of variable speed auger-hopper units that uniformly dole out "dry" innoculants, premixes, preservatives, antibiotics and other additives in rates ranging from several ounces to 300 or more pounds per ton of feed or forage.
Springmeier's new Augra Meters are tailor-made for single or multiple uses in blending mineral, premix or protein into feeding systems. They readily adapt to roller mills, stationary electric mills, or to portable grinder-mixers. Springmeier offers special brackets for mounting individual units on silage blowers and hay balers to dispense dry innoculants or preservatives.
Individual dispensers, available with 115V or 12V motors, feature fiberglass hoppers, stainless steel augers and plastic auger tubes. They're designed for variable speed control and have no chains or belts to maintain, and no gates or orifices to plug, Springmeier points out.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Augra Meter Systems, Mirus Inc., New Hampton, Iowa 50659 (ph 515 394-2352).
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