Trip Bucket On The Front Of My IH Tractor For Carrying Rocks
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This is a good way to carry rocks in from the field without handling them twice. I hung a trip bucket on the front of my IH tractor. I throw rocks and other debris into it while in the field and simply pull the lever to dump at a rockpile. The spring-loaded bucket came from a manure loader. It's got a slip-on mount so it'll go on or off the tractor in seconds. (Roy Davis, Clemons, Iowa 50051 (ph 515 477-8580)

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Trip bucket on the front of my IH tractor for carrying rocks TRACTORS Loaders 14-5-34 This is a good way to carry rocks in from the field without handling them twice. I hung a trip bucket on the front of my IH tractor. I throw rocks and other debris into it while in the field and simply pull the lever to dump at a rockpile. The spring-loaded bucket came from a manure loader. It's got a slip-on mount so it'll go on or off the tractor in seconds. (Roy Davis, Clemons, Iowa 50051 (ph 515 477-8580)
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