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Inside Rain Gauge
You don't even have to step outside to see how much it rained, thanks tothenew Inside Rain Gauge from Nunnikhoven Mfg., of Mediapolis, Iowa.
You mount the collector funnel on the edge of the roof away from trees or other tall obstructions. Clear plastic tubing (1/4-in.) runs from the collector funnel to the gauge located inside the house, garage or barn. You have to drill a 1/4 in. hole through the wall or window frame to thread the plastic hose from outside to inside. "It's easy to see, easy to read and easy to install," says the manufacturer. "You can leave it up year around since there's no danger of freezing."
Sells for $5.95, plus $1.50 for shipping. Comes with 14 ft. of 1/4-in. clear plastic tubing.
For more information, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Nunnikhoven Mfg., Highway 61 S., P.O. Box 580, Mediapolis, Iowa 52637 (ph 319 394-3189).

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1988 - Volume #12, Issue #1