1992 - Volume #16, Issue #2, Page #24
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No Plug Planter Harrow
"Most farmers have stopped using planter harrows on their Deere planters because they drag trash. This simple modification eliminates the problem," says John Craig, Shabbona, Ill., who spaced out the tines by adding a second bar behind the main one so trash will pass through.He says the problem is that, as shipped from the factory, the tines are spaced only 1 1/2 to 2 in. apart. Now that most farmers are leaving more residue on the surface, trash builds up ahead of the teeth. Craig wanted to keep using the harrow because he likes the way they level the ground out behind the planter and-he also uses them to incorporate herbicide which he sprays over the row just behind the closing wheels.
To solve the plugging problem, Craig simply removed every other tine and mounted them on a piece of angle iron positioned about 4 in. behind the front row of tines. The angle iron bar is held in place by two long threaded bolts.
"It's simple but it works. Now they won't drag trash. The best thing about it is that you can pick up these planter harrows cheap because so many farmers stopped using them," says Craig.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John J. Craig, Rt. 1, University Rd., Shabbona, Ill. 60550 (ph 815 824-2024).

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