High Clearance Gravity Wagon Built With Military Trailer
High school students taking part in an educational job training program in Benton, Ill., discovered an unusual way to make use of military equipment. They mounted a used 175-bu. gravity wagon onto a 2 1/2-ton military trailer equipped with tall 11.00 by 20, double grooved tires.
"With the 20-in. high tires and high-clearance axle it rolls easily and won't get stuck in mud," says Burl Boren, director of Boren's Franklin County Farm Corporation (BFCFC), a high tech, ag-related educational training program for high school students with special needs. "The trailer has an 8-ft. long hitch which allows the driver to turn short. It can be pulled by either a tractor, pickup, or truck and is equipped with air-over-hydraulic brakes, lights, reflectors, and a slow moving sign."
Boren and the students bought the gravity wagon from an implement dealer for $100. To mount the wagon they welded lengths of angle iron onto the trailer frame, then used a military crane to lower the wagon onto the frame and welded it to the angle irons. They also welded steel brackets already on the front and back of the wagon to the frame. The last step was to paint the wagon and trailer red and the wheels yellow.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Burl Boren (BFCFC), 5726 Bethel Rd., Benton, Ill. 62812 (ph 618 439-3850).

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High Clearance Gravity Wagon Built With Military Trailer GRAIN HANDLING Wagons (63E) 21-3-3 High school students taking part in an educational job training program in Benton, Ill., discovered an unusual way to make use of military equipment. They mounted a used 175-bu. gravity wagon onto a 2 1/2-ton military trailer equipped with tall 11.00 by 20, double grooved tires.
"With the 20-in. high tires and high-clearance axle it rolls easily and won't get stuck in mud," says Burl Boren, director of Boren's Franklin County Farm Corporation (BFCFC), a high tech, ag-related educational training program for high school students with special needs. "The trailer has an 8-ft. long hitch which allows the driver to turn short. It can be pulled by either a tractor, pickup, or truck and is equipped with air-over-hydraulic brakes, lights, reflectors, and a slow moving sign."
Boren and the students bought the gravity wagon from an implement dealer for $100. To mount the wagon they welded lengths of angle iron onto the trailer frame, then used a military crane to lower the wagon onto the frame and welded it to the angle irons. They also welded steel brackets already on the front and back of the wagon to the frame. The last step was to paint the wagon and trailer red and the wheels yellow.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Burl Boren (BFCFC), 5726 Bethel Rd., Benton, Ill. 62812 (ph 618 439-3850).
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