Gun-Shaped Barbeque
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"Fire up the grill," has a whole new meaning for Raymond Rodriquez since he built this gun-shaped barbeque that's got a grill in-side the ammunition cylinder and a trap door for cleaning out the ashes right behind the trigger. When it's cooking, smoke pours out the barrel.
The California native says he got the idea when he found a toy pistol at a flea market that was the same as one he had as a boy.
The 6-shooter look-alike is 5 ft. tall and 10 ft. long. "I spent 6 months building it in my spare time. I got most of what I needed at junkyards," says Rodriguez.
He welded the miscellaneous parts together to form the body of the gun and carved the huge handle from wood. There's a compartment in the handle to store barbeque equipment. The gun bolts to a platform on wheels so it's easy to move around.
Rodriguez is considering custom-building his "Big Tex" barbeque.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Follow up, Raymond Rodriguez, 860 Maria Ave., Spring Valley, Calif. 92077 (ph 619 464-8775).

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Gun-Shaped Barbeque AG WORLD Ag World 14-5-20 "Fire up the grill," has a whole new meaning for Raymond Rodriquez since he built this gun-shaped barbeque that's got a grill in-side the ammunition cylinder and a trap door for cleaning out the ashes right behind the trigger. When it's cooking, smoke pours out the barrel.
The California native says he got the idea when he found a toy pistol at a flea market that was the same as one he had as a boy.
The 6-shooter look-alike is 5 ft. tall and 10 ft. long. "I spent 6 months building it in my spare time. I got most of what I needed at junkyards," says Rodriguez.
He welded the miscellaneous parts together to form the body of the gun and carved the huge handle from wood. There's a compartment in the handle to store barbeque equipment. The gun bolts to a platform on wheels so it's easy to move around.
Rodriguez is considering custom-building his "Big Tex" barbeque.
For more information, contact: FARM SHOW Follow up, Raymond Rodriguez, 860 Maria Ave., Spring Valley, Calif. 92077 (ph 619 464-8775).
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