Tile Aerates Grain, Hay

"It's inexpensive yet extremely effective for storing wet grain or hay," says Lorne Henderson, Brinston, Ont., about his method of keeping moist grain or hay in good condition in storage.

Henderson first used the idea for grain. He runs 4-in. perforated plastic drain tile through his stored grain near the bottom and pumps air through it with an 18-in. fan. He says the idea worked so well that last year, when he had trouble getting his early hay dry, he used the same fan connected to about 200 ft. of tile through his hay mow, with about 4 tiers of bales underneath and 10 to 12 above the tile. He says the idea kept bales from spoiling and brought them down to the correct moisture level. He also notes that air flow in hay helps eliminate the danger of hot spots developing.