"Best Pickup Tailgate We've Ever Seen"

"It's the best pickup tailgate ever designed. No question about it," says Gary Walt, inventor and manufacturer of a new hinge-in-the-middle air flow tailgate that he predicts "will become the standard in the industry" within a few years.

Although at first glance it looks like other after-market tailgates and opens and closes like a regular tailgate, Walt's add-on unit has a unique feature that no other pickup tailgate has ever had before -- it opens in the middle. That means you can easily reach into the pickup by pushing one or both sides of the gate inward. Or, you can move one side of the gate out of the way to step up into the truck using the rear bumper, rather than stepping onto the tailgate from the side.

"A friend of mine broke his neck in an accident and asked me to come up with an easier-to-use tailgate so he could reach into the back of the truck from a wheelchair. After fooling around with the idea, I realized I had come up with a revolutionary new design that virtually every farmer and pickup owner would want," says Walt, who has started production on the new tailgate. He also manufactures big bale handling equipment.

The tailgate fits in place of any tailgate on any pickup. It's available either in a metal mesh air-flow design or in solid metal. Both sides of the gate open inward or outward or they can remain solid so you can put the tailgate down like a normal tailgate. Once in the down position, you can lift either side of the tailgate up to step up into the pickup or simply to reach into the back of it.