Fuel Line Clamp Problem Solved
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Cal Miner, Willmar, Minn.: “Older fuel lines are a larger diameter than newer push-lock type hose. To use newer hose on an older engine, the old clamps won’t work. I made my own using an eyebolt. Just cut off the screw part, slide the clamp in place, and squeeze the ‘eye’ together to clamp it tight. Works great and holds well.”

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Fuel Line Clamp Problem Solved ENGINES Cal Miner Willmar Minn : “Older fuel lines are a larger diameter than newer push-lock type hose To use newer hose on an older engine the old clamps won’t work I made my own using an eyebolt Just cut off the screw part slide the clamp in place and squeeze the ‘eye’ together to clamp it tight Works great and holds well ”