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Rolling Walker Turned Into Portable Workbench
John Stuber, DeSoto, Mo.: “I turned a rolling walker into a handy, portable workbench. It’s sturdy, lightweight, easy to maneuver, and quickly folds up for storage. I used a piece of scrap aluminum to make the 16 by 24-in. top and screwed wooden pieces onto 3 sides to contain the tools. A piano hinge off an old aluminum cabinet is screwed onto the back side, which allows the walker to fold. “A pair of short 1 by 6 boards connect the piano hinge to the walker’s tubular frame. The boards attach to the piano hinge with hex head screws and to the walker with carriage bolts. A metal strip is screwed onto the piano hinge for extra strength.
    “To fold the workbench I raise the top and then push down on factory buttons at the walker’s front corners, which releases the legs so I can fold them in.

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #4