Cordless Impact Wrench Used To Fill Transmission With Oil
Quinton Parker, Fairbanks, Alaska: He’s a diesel mechanic at a shop that works with heavy diesel equipment such as loaders, bull dozers, and semi trucks. “Many of these machines have 35 to 40 gal. of transmission oil capacity. Using a hand pump and a 5-gal. bucket to fill the transmission takes a long time, so I developed a system that uses a cordless impact wrench to do the job. I mounted the oil pump off a Chevrolet car on the bucket lid and run the pump’s pickup tube down into the bucket to pump the oil into the transmission.”
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Cordless Impact Wrench Used To Fill Transmission With Oil FARM SHOP Miscellaneous Quinton Parker Fairbanks Alaska: He’s a diesel mechanic at a shop that works with heavy diesel equipment such as loaders bull dozers and semi trucks “Many of these machines have 35 to 40 gal of transmission oil capacity Using a hand pump and a 5-gal bucket to fill the transmission takes a long time so I developed a system that uses a cordless impact wrench to do the job I mounted the oil pump off a Chevrolet car on the bucket lid and run the pump’s pickup tube down into the bucket to pump the oil into the transmission ”