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“Firewood” Truck Models Have Impressive Detail
Give Kerry Fuhs a few pieces of good firewood and about 400 hrs. and he will build a model truck with amazing detail. Open the toothpick-hinged cab doors and hood of his Kenworth to reveal a leather-covered steering wheel, and a 600 Cummins engine. Check out the precise engravings of the truck’s model and number - all while preserving the beauty of the grains and knots of the wood.
    “I use pinion and cedar and alligator juniper (wood) that has different skin on the outside and beautiful colors,” says the Gallup, N.M. artist, who also runs a construction company. “I use firewood and split it. If it doesn’t turn out I can always burn it.”
    Fuhs has been around trucks for half a century and still owns the International Transtar 4300 truck he bought new in 1974. He replicated it with the first model he built.
    Another favorite model is a LoneStar truck.
“It has door handles, pouches in the door, even buttons for the electric windows. The steering wheel is three different pieces of wood to show the leather,” he describes. “For the two-piece grill I made 32 of them before I got it the way I wanted. The wood is paper thin and you have to wet it to make it fit.”
    Fuhs wears reading glasses and uses tweezers, an Exacto knife, and a laser engraver to achieve the detail in his pieces. Each of the 10 models he has made are based on equipment he’s owned through the years.
    Everything is made of wood, and he relies on his artistic instinct to get the proportions right. Fuhs also carves wooden sculptures.
    “I haven’t sold them. If I paid myself $10/hour they would cost $4,000,” Fuhs says with a laugh. “I have made some for family, though.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Kerry Fuhs, P.O. Box 299, Gallup, New Mexico 87305 (ph 505 722-5227; kerryfuhs@yahoo.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #4