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He Uses Cardboard Instead Of A Creeper To Change Oil On Vehicles
Gary Swenson, Yankton, S. Dak.: “With multiple vehicles and pickups, it sometimes gets confusing how many quarts of oil go into each vehicle. I use a black magic marker and write the amount, brand and weight under the hood.
    “This is just a handy hint. I have one car that’s very low to the ground so when I drive up on the ramps, the front end rubs on the ramps. So now I lay a piece of 2 by 12 in front of each ramp to gain a bit of height before the wheels go onto the ramps.
    “I don’t like using a creeper to change oil on vehicles. They get caught in cracks and tangled up in extension cords. Instead, I use large pieces of heavy cardboard from refrigerator or stove packing boxes. It’s easy to slide around on them and they keep oil off the concrete. When I’m finished and pull the cardboard out, the oil pan and tools come out with it. I can fold the cardboard up easily and tuck it away.”

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #5