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Underarm Stick Deodorant Containers Make Handy Tool Oilers
Bill Smith, Cherokee, N.C.: “Plastic underarm stick deodorant containers can be used to make handy tool oilers. Once all the deodorant is gone I remove the cap, fold a piece of 1/2-in. thick felt, and push it down inside the container. Then I pour oil on the felt so it works like a big wick.
    “This idea works great for applying a coating of oil on very small things such as a drill bit or the edge of a saw blade. I just rub the felt across the object, and when I’m done I put the deodorant container’s cap back on. The felt wick applies a nice, even coating of oil. There’s no need to spread the oil around with a rag or my hands like with a squirt can so I don’t get my hands messy. And I never have to worry about oil leaking inside a toolbox like with an oil can.”

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2016 - Volume #40, Issue #1