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Curved Welding Helmet Glass Offers Extra Benefits
Curved glass technology has long been a part of many industries and is now entering the welding trade.
3M recently introduced the Speedglas G5-02 welding helmet featuring one of their newest innovations—a curved, auto-darkening welding filter following the shape of the head. This positioning also brings viewing more in line with the range of peripheral vision for high-performance, critical work.
“With the curved G5-02 auto-darkening filter (ADF), there are no compromises. A curved ADF means a significantly slimmer helmet positioned closer to your eyes,” says a 3M spokesperson in a recent promotion. “With its wider field of view and auto-darkening feature, you’re better able to see what’s on either side during welding. It delivers great clarity, not only before and after, but during welding.”
The G5-02 helmet is TIG optimized but works well with most arc welding processes. Reflection and glare are reduced due to the narrowed shape, making working in tight spaces easier.
“The filter automatically turns on when you pick up the helmet, so it’s ready when you are,” 3M says.
Four arc detection sensors on the helmet ensure the filter reliably switches even in challenging applications.
The Speedglas G5-02 welding helmet is priced in the $860 range plus S&H and is available across North America.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, 3M Corporate Headquarters, 3M Center, St. Paul, Minn. 55144 (ph 888-364-3577; www.3m.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3