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Gooseneck Spreader Improves Silage Packing
The Zook Pro Flow by Gap View Machine LLC is a gooseneck spreader that works without cables or pulleys. The design increases silage packing to fit more feed into each structure. That helps reduce oxygen levels within the silo and lower the risk of spoilage.
Gap View Machine of Gap, Penn., is a manufacturer of innovative agriculture parts and implements. The company pays attention to detail, using only high-quality, non-imported materials. They aim to save you from wasting time looking for custom parts, instead providing you with what you need when you need it.
The Zook is simple to mount and fill, allowing you to replace your gooseneck for the last time. It’s a “set it and forget it” device that requires minimal long-term maintenance. In-built adjustable fins make it customizable for your silo. It was created to eliminate the frustration of gooseneck spreaders that clog and fail to work correctly.
The spreader works seamlessly with high-powered blowers to eliminate jam-ups. It’s made with welded seams and hot-dipped galvanized metal. No imported stainless steel or metal parts are used, ensuring a rust-free appearance and quality for a lifetime. There’s a 12-in. opening for higher capacity and a bolt-on 11-gauge stainless steel top plate.
Quotes are available on request.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tim Zook, 5302 Denlinger Rd, Gap, Penn. 17527 (ph 717-487-9222; www.gapviewmachine.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3