Teenager Built His Own Forge
As a 13-year-old, Isaac Voeller developed a strong interest in metal forging. His father, Jamie, says, “He started building metal parts by using the wood stove that heated our shop, but that didn’t get the steel hot enough, so he looked on the internet for ideas.”
Voeller says Isaac read about people who had built coal-burning forges using readily available scrap materials. He decided to try that because he didn’t want to commit the money to buy a commercial forge. Isaac used a wheel rim from an old car as the coal hopper and made a frame from recycled steel tubing that came from an awning on a commercial building.
“To get air for feeding the fire, Isaac bought exhaust tubing that was bent in a way to extend out from under the wheel. He probably spent $40 on that tubing and the welding supplies to build the frame.”
Voeller says his son had good results with the homemade forge, using it for small metal art projects and pen holders that he made for school. He also made custom knives out of steel from old lawn mower blades.
As his skill level expanded along with a desire to get more done at a faster pace, Isaac eventually bought a commercial forge. That one is mounted on a heavily built portable welding table that his grandfather made several years ago. Jamie says the only difference between that one and the one he built is that the commercial one generates a bigger and hotter fire quicker than his other one.
“The homemade forge still works fine, and he still uses it,” Jamie says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Isaac Voeller, 103 1st St., Frederick, S.D. 57441 (jsvbusiness@gmail.com).

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #6