Rebar Toilet Paper Holder
“People always do a double take when they enter our bathroom for the first time,” says 15-year-old Anthony Barajas, Headland, Alabama, who made a rustic toilet paper holder by bending a length of rebar into a U-shape. The 1 1/2-ft. long rebar is attached to 3 short pallet boards of different colors, which are screwed to the bathroom wall.
    “I wanted to make the toilet paper holder look as random and disorganized as possible,” says Barajas. “I heated up the rebar in a forge so I could bend it. The fire scorched the rebar black but I sanded down one end of it to expose the shiny metal, which makes quite a contrast.”
    He used a homemade coal forge to heat the rebar in sections, using an anvil and a 4-lb. hammer to pound each section into shape as he went along. “I started with a 4-ft. length of rebar so I could hold the ends as I worked without having to use tongs,” says Barajas. “After removing the rebar from the forge I cut it down to length. I flattened one end of the rebar so I could drill holes in it and insert anchors through them.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Anthony Barajas, 208 Sumac Court, Headland, Alabama 36345 (cell ph 605 630-2474;

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3