2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5, Page #02
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Dad Built Kids A Playhouse In The Sky
When Douglas Hughes built a playhouse for his kids, he did it in a big way.

    The Litchfield, Minn., man built a 12-ft. sq. playhouse that stands 20 ft. off the ground. It’s mounted on a 4-legged steel structure that was originally part of a coal conveyor at a local power plant. A wood deck with 42-in. high railings wraps around the house. To get into the house, kids and adults walk up a 50-ft. long “flight elevator” that leads up to the deck. Steel pipe safety rails are bolted onto both sides of the elevator.

    The playhouse has just one big room, which contains a sink, propane stove, small refrigerator, and 3 cots. A water line leads from a sandpoint well up to the sink, while a 50-amp circuit breaker provides electricity.

    “It’s built solid and provides a one-of-a-kind experience for kids and grownups alike,” says Hughes. “The playhouse is located about 100 yards from my house. I put solar lights on the deck rails and also on the elevator, so it really looks nice at night.”

    Hughes built the playhouse on the ground and then hired a local crane operator to lift it on top of the steel base. The crane operator slid 2 long steel beams under the foundation of the house, and then attached cables to an A-frame, which was then attached to the crane’s boom.

    He says using the flight elevator saved him a lot of money and time compared to building stairs. “I found the elevator on Craigslist and drove 60 miles to a farm where it sat in a shelter belt,” says Hughes. “Both the house and the elevator are anchored solidly to the ground and don’t even budge in the wind. The only way they’re going anywhere is if there’s a tornado.”

    Hughes started working on the playhouse in 2007 and finished building in 2010. “I paid $350 for the elevator and about $150 for the safety rails for the elevator. My total cost was between $5,000 and $6,000,” he says.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Douglas Hughes, Clipper World, Inc., 62880 CSAid Hwy. 11, Litchfield, Minn. 55355 (ph 320 593-9547; clippers@hutchtel.net).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #5