"Smokeless" Wood Burners Imported From Europe
Dean Zook of Smokeless Heat, a distributor of high efficiency wood burners imported from Europe, says, “By combining a modern gasification burner with thermal storage tanks, you can produce clean heat efficiently and economically without smoke.”
  Smokeless Heat distributes several high efficiency boilers, furnaces and heating systems, including wood gasification, wood pellet and electric boilers made by the Varmebaronen company from Sweden. The company also handles heating systems from Poland, the Czech Republic, and Denmark.
  The key to smokeless technology is gasification, which is a chemical reaction that occurs at temperatures above 700 degrees F between the wood and a limited amount of oxygen. Extreme heat and lack of oxygen causes gases in the wood to release in the form of carbon monoxide, hydrogen and carbon dioxide. The wood gas mixture enters a burning chamber and burns at temperatures of almost 2000 degrees F. After the gas is burned, any left over emissions leave through the chimney. Effective gasification is achieved when little or no smoke is leaving the chimney.
  “‘Smokeless’ wood boilers use energy in wood or biomass products with an efficiency 3 times greater than traditional boilers,” Zook says.
  Other fuels such as wood chips, corn cobs, corn and coal can also be used. Heat generated by the boilers can be integrated into a hot water heating system or a forced air system using a heat exchanger.
  Unlike the good old days when stoking or re-loading the fire in the middle of the night was a common occurrence, today’s modern boilers can easily burn 10 to 13 hrs. on one fuel load. Prices range from about $5,000 for the smaller sizes to almost $9,000 for the larger units.
  “Modern boilers are very efficient and very reliable,” Zook says. “Ceramic inserts that store the heat last 3 to 10 years depending on how hot a boiler burns.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dean Zook, Smokeless Heat, LLC, 2020 Cornwall Rd., Lebanon, Penn. 17042 (ph 717 389-0083; www.smokelessheat.com).

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2013 - Volume #37, Issue #1