Wind Chime Fire Alarm
Wind chimes let Ed Mullins know when he needs to check the wood and coal stove that heats his Blacksburg, Va., home.
  "I know hot air has energy, so why not use that to do something practical?" Mullins explains. "In this case, it's a safety feature."
  The wind chimes hang above the stove where the hot air rises, Mullins emphasizes. The brass chimes make noise when the stove is putting out a lot of heat. They make just a little noise when the heat is moderate.
  Mullins has been using his safety chime system for a decade and it's warned him many times to shut down the stove drafts and turn on the overhead fan to cool the stove down.
  Conversely, if he doesn't hear any chiming, he knows it's probably time to add more fuel.
  Most of the time, the chimes have a gentle, soothing sound.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ed Mullins, 3500 Still Hollow Rd., Blacksburg, Va. 24060 (ph 540 951-7357).

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2010 - Volume #34, Issue #6