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Combine Header Cart Kit
If you could use a header transport cart but can't justify the price of a commercial unit, you'll like this new kit that quickly turns any running gear into a handy rig for carrying big headers.
M.D. Products' kit consists of a set of two-way adjustable brackets ready to bolt or weld to the running gear of your choice. Once in place, they'll adapt the gear to any brand or model soybean platform, as well as Massey, Gleaner, Deere and Case-IH 4 and 6-row corn heads.
Brackets sell for $249 per set.
The company also builds field ready header carts which start at $1,440. Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, M.D. Products, 1998 215th St., Humbolt, Iowa 50548 (ph 800 637-7631 or 515 332-3550).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #6