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Portable Fuel Tank Virtually Theft Proof
"We use it pull it to haul diesel fuel to our other farm to refuel tractors and combines," says Harvey Lorton about a home-built fuel tank trailer.
It consists of a 3 by 3 by 8-ft. tank built out of 10 ga. sheet steel with 540-gal. capacity.
The axle was made from two pieces of 12-in. channel iron, while vertical members supporting the spindles were made of 4-in. channel iron. The 6-bolt spindles were fitted with 1100 by 15-in. implement wheels.
Lorton converted a hand-cranked pump model off an old diesel fuel barrel to power using a high-speed, low-torque orbit motor that originally powered slingers on a fertilizer spreader.
"It pumps up to 25 gpm's," says Lorton. "Pulling this tank to the farm sure beats driving our tractors and combines back and forth."
As an added bonus, the tank is difficult to steal from since it requires hydraulic power to operate the pump, he adds.
"Not every Tom, Dick and Harry has hydraulics on their pickup," he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvey Lorton, R.R. 1, Box 134, Greenfield, Ill. 62044 (ph 217 368-2168.)

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1997 - Volume #21, Issue #2