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Cow Catching Hay Feeder
Here's a relatively easy way to "catch" cows for artificial breeding. Henry Pirok, Highland, Ill., built stanchions with headlocks into a stand-alone wood hay feeder in his feedlot.
The headboards at each feeding station slide up on inside slots made of strap iron. The V-shaped feed opening is formed by a pair of angled 2 by 6's. As the animal feeds, Pirok simply pulls a pin and slides the headboard down over her neck. She's then held in position for the AI technician.
Pirok built the big hay feeder by anchoring poles in concrete. It has a flat metal roof. A gate on one side opens to let a tractor in with big bales.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Henry Pirok, 11405 Lake Rd., Highland, Ill. 62249 (ph 618 644-5853).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #1