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Automatic Fill Kit For Slurry Tankers
If you own a slurry tanker, you'll be interested in a new kit from Ireland that lets you fill it automatically right from the tractor seat.
It'll take you only three or four hours to install the do-it-yourself kit that sells for about $1700. Here's how it works:
Operated totally from the tractor seat, a boom is lowered by a hydraulic ram into a rubber-lined cone attached to the suction hose. In the same movement, the fill valve is opened and the vacuum pump switched to the "fill/vacuum" position. You then en-gage the pto and fill the slurry tank.
When the tank is full, you close the "fill" valve, raise the boom arm and switch the pump control to the pressure position for field spreading.
The automatic fill kit adapts to slurry tankers from 300 gal. and larger and, if required, can be mounted on the rear.
Contact Star TankerstWattterson Engineering, AughrimRd, Magherafelt, North-ern Ireland, BT45 OJY (ph 0648 32251).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1