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Electric Motor Raises, Lowers Elevator
"It saves work and time," says Dave Peter-son, Lake Mills, Iowa, who mounted a 1/ 3 hp reversible electric motor on his 52-ft. long bale elevator, allowing him to automatically raise or he eletvator without hand cranking it.
The motor belt-drives a gearbox that chain drives the shaft originally used to hand crank the elevator. Peterson bolted the motor and gearbox onto a steel plate that's fastened to the side of the elevator. A pair of switches are used to turn the motor on or off and to reverse its direction. Peterson lengthened the shaft 2 in. so that he can still raise or lower the elevator by hand whenever electricity isn't available.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dave Peterson, Box 84A, Lake Mills, Iowa 50450 (ph 515 592-9262).

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1993 - Volume #17, Issue #1