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He Salvaged His 12-Volt Cordless Drill After The Battery Packs Failed
“Here’s how I salvaged my 12-volt cordless drill after the original battery packs failed. I bought a small 12-volt gel cell battery from a surplus store. Then I cut the top off an old battery case, extended the wires from the drill, and strapped the new battery onto the bottom.
    “The drill is now a bit heavier than before, but it has more torque than it did with the original batteries and will run forever. When the battery needs a charge I just hook it up to a 12-volt charger for a few hours, without even having to disconnect the battery from the drill.
    “I salvaged an 18-volt flashlight from a drill kit by replacing the 18-volt bulb with a 6-volt bulb from a 4-cell flashlight. Then I hot glued the bulb to a 4-cell ‘D’ battery holder from Radio Shack. These aren’t rechargeable so I just use it as a 4-cell flashlight. It works great. It stays where I put it, and I can rotate the lamp head for the best angle.”

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2014 - Volume #38, Issue #6