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Plastic Sealer For Wood,Metal,Or Concrete
"It's unbelievable how well it works on almost any surface. No other product even comes close," says Gary Howell of Central Petroleum Co. about the company's new "Super Sealers" which form a clear, rock-hard non-slip plastic surface over wood, metal or concrete.
The product looks like skim milk in the liquid form but dries clear. It actually penetrates into treated surfaces and will repel water, oil, and even acids.
"I've installed it on concrete hog or dairy floors where urine was destroying the concrete. It stops the problem, making floors easier to clean and giving animals more footing than before it was applied. It also helps reduce disease problems and, when applied to metal, stops rust and corrosion," says Howell, who's been involved in testing the product for the past few years. It only recently went into full-scale production.
Super Sealer can be used on garage and concrete floors, on brick and mortar, on outside of metal buildings, on driveways and sidewalks, even in basements to seal out water. "It cost less than conventional water seal products yet does a better job and will last 5 times as long," says Howell.
One gallon covers about 400 sq. ft. There are three different versions of the new plastic sealer, including both water and solvent-based solutions. Water-based Super Sealer 1500 sells for $42.95 per gal.
For more information on the three different versions of the product, which are all USDA approved, contact FARM SHOW Followup, Gary Howell, Central Petroleum Co., Rt. 1, Box 149, Brookfield, Mo. 64628 (ph 800 553-1891 or 816 258-7138; fax 816 258-2453).

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1994 - Volume #18, Issue #1