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Squeak Leads To Oil Discovery
My husband and I accidentally discovered Ultimate Penetrating & Lubricating Oil when our pickup developed a loud squeak as we traveled through the Bakken oil field region in western North Dakota. The oil caught our attention at the Williston NAPA store because it was both a penetrating and lubricating oil. And it was a Pride of North Dakota product, manufactured in Dickinson, N. Dak.
  Our first use was to open the filler plug of the rear end to check the oil level. The plug was rusted tight on our 6-year-old pickup. After spraying Ultimate on it, we ended up waiting a day in order to get the right size tool. It loosened on the first try. My husband added oil, and then sprayed Ultimate on the U-joints, knuckles and other parts, and the squeak disappeared. Later we took the truck to a mechanic, who changed out one of the U-joints.
  I was curious about the oil’s origins so I called the number on the can. Turns out the manufacturer, GW Enterprises, is a family business. Fayette Heidecker explained that her husband, Gary, developed the product back in 1992, working with local mechanics. They worked with I-K-I Manufacturing in Wisconsin to put it on the market.
  “It’s a petroleum-based product,” Heidecker says. “It’s unique because it’s both a penetrating and lubricating spray.”
  Ultimate oil eliminates squeaks, frees rusted bolts, nuts, and parts and can also be used to lubricate and protect.
  Though the target market is industrial and equipment, other buyers – including many women – use it for a variety of things including electric razors, sewing machines, squeaky garage doors, frozen locks and sporting goods.
  “The can lasts too darn long,” Heidecker laughs about the product that retails for about $7.50 “You don’t have to use much per application. It’s foamy so it penetrates right away.”
  The Heideckers have large customers including Petro Hunt LLC and the N. Dak. State Highway Department. They personally contact dealers in communities to find new retailers, but are open to calls from potential distributors.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, GW Enterprises, 1631 37th St. E., Dickinson, N. Dak. 58601 (ph 866 227-8511; www.gw-ultimate.com).

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2012 - Volume #36, Issue #4