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Bale Slides Make Hay Handling Easier
Donald Green's slick surfaced bale slides make moving bales in and out of his barn easy. Green harvests 10,000 bales a year for sale and delivery to area horse owners, who prefer the small squares. Any help he can get in his mostly manual operation is appreciated.
"I use a bale thrower in the field, but everything else is done by hand," says Green. "With the bale slides, I can move two or even three bales at a time, sliding them to a wagon or truck. It's a lot easier than throwing and I can slide bales out 24 ft. or more by joining slides together.
"The bale slides are about 8 ft. long and 20 in. wide. The slick bottoms came off an old forage wagon that had a treated surface. The sides are wood rails only about 1 in. by 2 in., just enough to stiffen the slides and direct the bales forward. The metal bottoms jut out a bit from the ends of the sides, so they can overlap."
Anchoring the slides is simple, suggests Green. He just buries D-handled bale hooks and ties the lead slide to them. The more the slides slope away, the easier the bales slide.
"I'm 62, so I figure I need to find tools like this that will let me keep doing this work for years to come," says Green. "These slides really help."
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Donald Green, 3932 Green Road, Bloomfield, N.Y. 14469 (ph 585 229-5074).

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2011 - Volume #35, Issue #3