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Australian Cattle Dog Rescue Organization Of Illinois
I'm part of the Australian Cattle Dog Rescue organization of Illinois. Our goal is to rescue dogs and place them into responsible homes. There are so many Australian cattle dogs that are turned into shelters because owners don't want to take time for them or they can't afford to feed them. While awaiting adoption, the cattle dogs live on a farm where we evaluate their temperaments and cattle driving ability, and also teach them basic obedience. All dogs are fully vetted, including neutering, deworming, vaccination, heartworm, and microchipped. Anyone interested in adopting an outstanding cattle dog should contact us. The accompanying photo shows our own cattle dog, Smokey, who rides on our 4-wheeler and on my husband's Bobcat when he's feeding cattle. He'll hop down off the ATV to retrieve pop cans in the ditch and bring them back to us. He's very smart, as are most cattle dog breeds. (Diane Thompson, Peoria, Ill. ph 618 266-7065 or 618 315-8800; thompdh@msn.com; www.petfinder. com/shelters/il438.html)

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4