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Hypermilers Get 100 Mpg - Or More!
Wayne Gerdes is the Lance Armstrong of gas mileage. He's one of a growing number of "hypermilers", drivers dedicated to extracting the maximum mpg possible from every tank of gas. Gerdes gained notoriety in 2006 when he and his team traveled 2,254 miles on a single 13.7-gal. tank of gas. They were driving a hybrid Honda Insight at a competition in Tonkawa, Oklahoma. That was an average of 165 mpg in a vehicle with an EPA rating of 66 mpg highway. For the competition, Gerdes used techniques that might be illegal on the street - such as removing power steering pumps, cutting away side mirrors, and shutting off the engine while coasting - but he says many of the fuel-saving techniques he and other hypermilers have come up with could boost mileage in any vehicle - often as high as 100 mpg. He started a website called www.CleanMpg.com which is a forum for fuel-saving pennypinchers. Another mileage-saving website worth checking out is www.GasSavers.org.

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #4