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Barbed Wire Unroller Rodes On Wheels
"There are lots of barbed wire unrollers around but mine is different because it carries the roll off the ground," says Dennis Shelts, Huntsville, Ill.
  "Most unrollers like this roll the wire along the ground. That tends to loosen up the roll of wire and can cause tangling. Also, the end-to-end stability of the fencewire can be poor, putting a lot of twist and stress on your wrist and arm.
  "I solved the problem by mounting wheels on the handle with pivoting arms holding the roll of wire. For transport, you just swing the roll up and back against the handle. To unroll the wire, just flip the roll down onto the ground."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis Shelts, Rt. 1, Box 72, Huntsville, Ill. 62344.

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2008 - Volume #32, Issue #3