Coal-Burning Cook Stove
I use this old 30-in. high by 42-in. wide wood and coal-burning cook stove outside during the summer. The stove was made in about 1930 and was originally used as a kitchen range in our house for cooking and baking. Then it partially burned out and we didn't want to keep it in the house any longer for fear of fire. So we moved it outside, made a few minor repairs, painted it and put it to use for summer cooking so we don't heat the house up. There are six lids on top. I can remove the lids over the fire box and install a grill over the fire box so we can use the stove as a barbeque while warming food inside the oven at the same time.
  The stove sits on a wood pallet and is covered when not in use. Below the oven is a 2 by 6-in. cleanout door to remove any soot when using the oven. (Tom Hicswa, 2169 Elwood Road, Hammonton, N.J. 08037 ph 609 561-7623;

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2005 - Volume #29, Issue #5