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Big 5-In. Magnet Holds Mirrors, Flashing Lights, SMV Signs, Etc.
This 5-in. dia. magnet can be used to mount a variety of items on farm equipment, including mirrors, slow moving vehicle signs, flashing safety lights, etc.
The magnet comes with a chrome-plated mounting bracket. "It's a very strong magnet that will stay where you put it. Works great on implements, anhydfous ammonia tanks, tractor fenders, gravity wagons, cornbine headers, etc.," says distributor Gary Goodlove.
Sells for $14.75 apiece.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Gary Goodlove, Agri-Safety Inc., 1870 Covington Rd., Palo, Iowa 52324 (ph 800 777-2991).

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1995 - Volume #19, Issue #2