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Coke Bottle Puzzle
John Graham, Caledonia, Mich., recently sent FARM SHOW a "Coke bottle puzzle" that's simple to make and unlike anything we've seen before.
  It consists of a plastic 16-oz. Coke bottle that has a 1/2-in. dia. wooden dowel inside. The dowel has a 1-in. long, 1/4-in. bolt stuck through its end. There's a flat washer and nut on the bolt. The idea is to work the nut off the bolt while it's inside the bottle and then put it back on again.
  You work the nut off the bolt by continuously rubbing the nut against the inside wall of the bottle. Getting it back on is a lot harder.
  "It's quite a trick to learn how to do it," says Graham. "I saw it at a flea market in Florida. I came home and started making them for friends."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Graham, 8022 Kraft Ave., Caledonia, Mich. 49316 (ph 616 891-9503).

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2004 - Volume #28, Issue #4