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Save Big Money on Belts and Parts
If you're like most farmers, you go through all kinds of rubber belts, from fan belts to combine belts to baler belts.
Prices can be astronomical but T.H.E. Company, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, says you can save as much as 30 percent over dealer price if you order from them.
"Exact savings depends on the style of belt and how it's made. We have standard belts or Kevlar« lined belts, cogged or smooth belts, section belts, belts for tractors, combines, drive belts or baler belts. You name it, we either have it on hand or we can get it," says Doug Miller, T.H.E. Company parts manager.
"We've been in the after-market parts business for more than 10 years," he says. "We sell mostly new parts, but also handle some rebuilt ones. Our belts are all from Goodyear."
Miller says T.H.E. Company keeps a wide variety of "in-season" belts on hand, so they can fill most orders immediately. Normal delivery time is a day or two after an order is placed. "Special order belts and those that are out of season may take a day or two longer," he says.
"When it comes to belts for combines, we sell a lot for Massey Ferguson, Deere and Case IH. But we also stock belts for Claas, White, Gleaner, New Holland and just about any other make you can come up with. If you have a combine, there's more than a 99 percent chance we can get the belt you need," he says.
T.H.E. Company's parts order desk is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. There are no quantity discounts, but orders over $1,000 are shipped free. For more information, to order parts, or to request a free catalog, call 800-634-4885.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, T.H.E. Company, 1300 West Washington, Mt. Pleasant, IA 52641. e-mail: thecompany@farmtel.net. Internet: www.the-co.com. (ph 800 634-4885).

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2000 - Volume #24, Issue #6