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Hand-Powered Bead Breaker
You can separate even the most stubborn tires from a rim quickly and almost effortlessly with this new-style, Australian-designed bead breaker.
  "Tyrepliers" is a three-levered scissors-type tool for use on 10 to 16 1/2-in. tires. It can be used on any rim, alloy or steel, without damaging the rim or sidewall.
  To use, you adjust the lower lever, which is fitted on both ends with jaws that fit between the bead and flange of the rim. Then you simply work the two scissor handles back and forth to loosen the bead and repeat around the rim on both sides until the tire comes free.
  Sells for $119.95. Includes an adapter that allows the tool to be used on 4 to 9-in. 4-WD ATV rims. Comes in canvas storage bag.
  The company also sells Truckpliers for semi trucks, tractors and implements, that break beads on 16 to 24 1/2-in. rims. It sells for $249.95.
  The company also sells an optional extension leg for the "Tyrepliers" that allows the tool to be used on 17 to 22-in. rims. It sells for $12.95.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Extreme Outback Products, 3069 Alamo Drive, Suite 327, Vacaville, Calif. 95687 (ph 707 447-7711; fax 7722; E-mail: extremeoutback@prodigy.net; Website: www.off-road.com/4x4web/isuzu/tireplyers.html).

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1999 - Volume #23, Issue #3