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Family Farm Houses Historic Deere Plows
The oldest family farm in Iowa holds a piece of history—a pair of moldboard plows made by John Deere himself. The family’s founding farmer, Heman Shaff, settled the property in 1837 after walking most of the way from Sodus, N.Y., behind a covered wagon. Though his goal was central Illinois, he pushed on to Iowa with the promise of more available farmland. Studies have verified that the property remains the oldest family-owned business in the state.
All 240 acres of the original farm were purchased for $1.25 an acre. Shaff built a 2-room log cabin on the property, bolstered by limestone that made the walls 3-ft. thick. As a defense against attacks, he built square shooting ports within the walls. This cabin still stands today. In fact, the current farmhouse was built around it. And nearby is the farm garage that stores the two John Deere plows constructed nearly 200 years ago.
Shaff purchased the first plow directly from Deere’s Illinois shop in 1839. He traveled 60 miles to get it, paid $24, and brought it to the farm, where it’s remained for 180 years and counting. The plow was the first John Deere tool to make it to Iowa, possibly even the first to cross the Mississippi.
Deere’s plows were nothing short of revolutionary for the era. At the time, westward expansion pushed demand for rugged farm tools, but the traditional cast iron farming implements came up short of cutting through the region’s tough prairie soils. Deere built a self-scouring steel plow and began selling them on demand. While he started with just three plows from 1838 to 1839, he increased production to 10 the year after when Shaff showed up at his doorstep to buy one.
The steel plow quickly became popular within the community. Family lore reveals that Shaff’s eager neighbors even borrowed the plow at night, working their fields by lantern light. It was such a game-changer that Shaff returned the following year for a second one.
Now in its seventh generation on the property, the Shaff family is happy to protect these tools that transformed America, one field at a time.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Shaff Family Farm, Camanche, Iowa (Facebook: Shaff Family Farm).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3