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Corrosion Cure Has Many Uses
Unlimited Strong Arm (USA) Fluid was developed as a lubricant to prevent corrosion in high-voltage equipment. However, it’s since been used for waterproofing, rust removal, chrome cleaning, lubrication, paint undercoating, salt proofing, and much, much more. The company owner (he goes by the name Fready due to multiple identity thefts) was part of the team that developed it. After years of using and selling the product, he says he’s no longer surprised by customer testimonials.
“Acceptance evolved over time. People didn’t think you could take a lubricant and do anything else with it. As they tried it for other uses, they told us. Today, our website has 500 pages of unsolicited testimonials and thousands of before and after pictures from customers,” says Fready.
Visit the product use page and links to individual testimonials that start with freeing up a garden tractor motor, rusted and frozen for more than 40 years. Other stuck items posted include a waterlogged car transmission, small engines, bearings, and old tools. Testimonials cover the restoration of metal and vinyl surfaces, including rubber gaskets on old cars and wood and metal surfaces on old firearms.
Product claims made by the company and its customers include stopping rust in its tracks and preventing continued rusting, preventing corrosion on copper pipe subject to sweating, and providing superior adhesion and penetration of paint when used as an undercoat. Virtually every type of surface, including steel, chrome, brass, wood, and silver, is included.
Salt proofing with USA Fluid has its own website covering uses on equipment at the Bonneville Salt Flats. It includes testimonials, images, and a link to a salt proofing Facebook page.
“I work with lots of folks at Bonneville,” says Fready. “Vehicles and trailers of all kinds get so coated with salt that they look like they’ve been in an ice storm. Within 6 mos., a chassis will fall apart. USA Fluid shuts down all the rust.”
USA Fluid offers a 100 percent, 30-day, money back guarantee. Purchase options range from quart bottles listed for $34.80 to 5-gal. pails for $428. Apply by spraying on with the nipple bottle or wiping and brushing on. In the case of rust removal, application is usually followed by using a wire brush.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, USAfluid.com, Central Order Fulfillment, Box 111, Alexander, Iowa 50420 (ph 641-745-9360; Orders@StrongArmBrand.com; www.usafluid.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3