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Rollerpoles Offer Full Body Workout
Tim Affield introduced his patented Rollerpoles walking invention to FARM SHOW readers in 2003 (Vol. 27, No. 1) with the goal of finding a manufacturer. Two decades later, he’s offering the same opportunity and has evidence that production is worth pursuing.
After back surgery, Affield designed his Nordic Walking Rollerpoles to help him get a full-body workout during his daily walks, which were prescribed to him to tone his muscles.
“The handle is a rolling rung hand grip,” he says. “It sits on the top of the walking stick. At the other end of the stick is a wheel. As you swing the stick forward, the wheel runs free on the ground. As you push down on the stick, a jackknifing design locks the wheel in place, giving you something to push down and against.” It’s easy on the joints while strengthening upper back and shoulder muscles and working the heart.
As evidence that his invention has merit, a German manufacturer started marketing a similar item in 2016, 14 years after Affield’s patent. A letter from his attorney made the company aware of Affield’s patent and that they shouldn’t market it in the U.S. The German design is more complicated and costly than his, Affield says.
“I’m in complete disagreement with their handle design. The wrist structure is oriented latitudinally rather than horizontally, defeating most of the purpose of their use,” he says. “My wish is to find a serious manufacturer who recognizes the value, health, and well-being of this idea and an obvious proven market.”
He has written up details about his product and created an instructional brochure for Rollerpoles.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup Tim Affield, 1904 River Rd., Marengo, Ill. 60152 (ph 815-568-7128).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3