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“Best Buy” Paint Rejuvenator
Lorn Manthey, Northfield, Minn.: “I refreshed the red color on our 16-year-old 4-WD tractor and brought it to a ‘like-new’ finish by applying Rejuvenator, a one-step auto paint restoring product. The NAPA store employee who pointed me toward the product said he’d tried many other products and found this one to work best on his 1950s-era cars. He didn’t see why it wouldn’t work on farm equipment.
    “The recommendation came with a few words of advice: ‘Have plenty of soft cloths available, only work on a small area at a time, and apply it in the shade when the surface is 60 to 70 degrees.’ A 70-degree cloudy March day in Minnesota is extremely rare, but that’s when I put Rejuvenator to work. After 10 min. of rubbing a 2-sq. ft. area on the hood, the faded red turned to a shiny, smooth, and bright color.
    “I’ve used 3-step products before, which take a lot of time, but with Rejuvenator, you apply, let it dry, and rub it off with a soft cloth. The application removes oxidation, which appears as residue on the first wiping cloth. I used two different cloths to get the best and clearest glossy finish. Brightening the painted hood and fender surfaces on the 4-WD took nearly 3 hrs., but now the tractor looks brand new.
    “My NAPA guy says Rejuvenator should protect painted surfaces with a durable, high-gloss finish for at least a couple of years, even after exposure to field conditions and weather. With the skyrocketing cost of machinery these days, it’s important to maintain appearance not only when you own it, but when it comes time to trade or sell. Auctioneers and dealers say that clean, well-kept, and polished equipment always brings premium prices, sometimes 20 to 30 percent above those not well cared for.”

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3