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Simple Device Helps People Cross Barbed Wire Fences
As hikers, hunters, and avid outdoorspeople, Todd and Melissa Haley and their friend and business partner Kurt Thaemert had many unfriendly encounters with barbed wire fences. During an Idaho elk hunting trip, Thaemert found it nearly impossible to cross a fence even without his gear. He says, “Within a few days, I welded together a simple tool to hold the top and second fence wires so I could easily crawl through. The device worked so well that we soon had friends asking for them. The rest is history.”
In a matter of months, the simple invention was named Wire-Ups and the trio’s company, God’s Country Camo, began producing them. Eventually, they teamed with Project XYZ in Muscle Shoals, Ala., and switched from metal material to a non-conductive glass-filled nylon. The injection molded device has 200 lbs. of tensile strength, is lightweight, and doesn’t rust.
Two Wire-Ups are packaged together, priced at $10 a pair, which Todd Haley calls “the perfect impulse buy for people checking out of a store with other hunting and hiking merchandise.” Wire-Ups are easy to use and store. Haley says that product sales were aided because “we were fortunate to have a marketing person tell us how to liven up the package so it’s more recognizable in a store.”
A pair of patented Wire-Ups are packaged together with simple instructions on how to use them. Haley says, “Just squeeze the top two strands of a barbed wire fence together, attach one Wire-Up, then do the same with the bottom two wires. The wider opening allows you to crawl through without scratching or ripping clothing or getting caught. The opening is also easier for gear to be passed through. When you’re on the other side, remove the Wire Ups, put them in your pocket, and be on your way.” Wire-ups can also hold barbed wires close to a woven wire fence so it’s easier to crawl over the top.
Haley says they first thought the primary market would be for hunters and hikers. They’ve since found that farmers, rescue workers, surveyors, utility companies, law enforcement, and the military find them useful. Those markets have led the company to offer bulk sales in case quantities of 24, 50, and 100.
“It’s been great to see such a simple invention find such wide acceptance,” says Haley, “and I think we’re just at the tip of the iceberg.” In addition to retail sales, the company sells Wire-Ups on its website and welcomes wholesale inquiries.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Wire-Ups, 1500 Perimeter Pkwy. N.W. #426, Huntsville, Ala. 35806 (admin@wire-ups.com; www.wire-ups.com).

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2024 - Volume #48, Issue #3