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“Access Door” Makes Mower Blade-Sharpening Easy
Glenn Fisher, Homer, Ga., came up with an easy way to sharpen the blades on his 3-pt. mounted bush hog mower equipped with a 5-ft. deck.
    “I just remove a bolt and flip up an 8 by 12-in. hinged access door that I cut into the deck. Then I use a 4-in., 110-volt angle grinder to sharpen the blades.
    “I’ve used this idea for about 20 years and it works great. It only takes about 5 min. to sharpen each blade,” says Fisher. “It’s a lot easier and safer than using a tractor’s 3-pt. hitch to raise the mower and then crawl underneath, or raise the mower with a loader tractor. I think all rotary mowers like mine should have access doors built into the deck.”
    Fisher cut an 8-in. wide opening into the deck and welded on a pair of metal hinges. He then cut out the rest of the door and welded matching angle iron brackets onto the door and deck that bolt together.
    “The bracket that’s welded onto the door extends about 1/2 in. beyond the opening. That way if the lock bolt is ever missing, the door won’t accidentally fall into the blades,” says Fisher.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glenn Fisher, 751 Boling Road, Homer, Ga. 30547 (ph 423 364-0158).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #5