2016 - Volume #BFS, Issue #16, Page #56
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How to Turn Fallow Land Into a Profit Center
With high taxation, increasing costs, falling profit margins, and loss of productive farmland, farmers are facing an increasingly uncertain future.
Whether it’s through depleted soil or land that’s too expensive to farm, your unused acreage is taking money out of your pocket.
World Tree offers a solution to these problems with a crop that is safe, economical, self-renewing, ecologically sound and highly profitable.

We Have 1 Million Trees To Give Away
We are looking for farmers to help us plant over a million Empress Splendor trees in the next 5 years.
  We provide the trees, you provide the land and together we share the profits. Since one acre of Empress trees yields a potential $90,000 of lumber in just 10 years, the future rewards are substantial.
  These trees are being grown as part of the World Tree Carbon Offset Program. The program exists to provide financial security and offset the carbon footprint for thousands of individuals, families and businesses around the world.
  World Tree is looking for qualified farmers to grow these trees on our behalf. When the trees reach maturity, the profit is then split with you, the grower.
  We will also provide instructional material, training, and support free-of-charge to our qualifying growers.

We Are Looking for Farmers
If you have at least 20 acres of available land in zones 7-11 and are looking for a highly profitable crop, with minimal financial investment, then we want to hear from you.

Splendor Tree
• World’s fastest growing
hardwood tree.
• A mature harvestable tree in
10 years.
• Regenerates without
replanting up to 7 times.
• Beautiful, lightweight hard-
wood worth $3-14/board foot.
• As much as 294 board feet per
• 6 x ROI per acre compared to
• Drought-resistant, low water
• Suitable for intercropping.
• Natural ground fertilizer.
• Naturally fire-retardant.
• Non-invasive.
• Edible blossoms that are great
for honey production.

What You Need
•   Minimum 20 acres of available land
•   Hardiness zone 7-11
•   Sandy loam soil
Call us today at 888-693-8733 to find out if you qualify.
The World Tree Carbon Offset Program

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2016 - Volume #BFS, Issue #16